胡中波,博士,教授(三级),yL23411永利官网登录校聘杰出人才。主要从事智能计算、数据挖掘与统计计算研究。2013年在英国ESSEX大学数学科学学院做访问学者。主持教育部教研项目1项、省部级以上科研项目6项,以第一作者(或者通讯作者)公开发表SCI收录论文近50篇,其中包含《Swarm and evolutionary computation》、《Energy》、《Information Sciences》《Expert systems with applications》《Applied soft computing》等中国科学院文献情报中心认定的顶级期刊上论文24篇;另外,发表SSCI收录论文1篇,中文核心期刊14篇;在科学出版社出版学术专著1部,授权中国发明专利7项。
1 讲授的主要课程
2 承担的实践性教学任务
3 主持及参与的教学研究项目
1 承担的学术研究课题
[1]矿山应急救援探测装备研发升级--智能软件系统,山西 一 一五勘查院有限公司,横向,SXYY-24S2FW004,2024.7.1~2025.6.30,主持
[2]机器学习辅助陶瓷致密化机理及结构与性能研究,复合材料国家重点实验室,开放基金,2024-KF-23, 2024.1~2025.12,指导
[3]基于灰色关联模型的古生物多样性统计方法研究,生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室,开放基金,GBL21801,2018~2021, 主持
2 近几年代表性学术论文(“*”标识通讯作者)
[48] Yuwei Shen, Zhongbo Hu*, Fugao Hu, Qinghua Su, Jisheng Kou. A method for calculating two-phase equilibrium: constrained gray prediction evolutionary algorithm with a surrogate model based on quadratic interpolation. Physics of Fluids, 2024.7. (SCI IF: 4.6 TOP期刊)
[47] Zhongbo Hu*, Qian Zhang, Yujie Wang, Qinghua Su, Zenggang Xiong. Research orientation and novelty discriminant for new metaheuristic algorithms. Applied Soft Computing, 2024, 157, 111521. (SCI IF: 8.7 TOP期刊)
[46] Xupeng Wang, Zhongbo Hu*, Lingyi Shi, Caocheng Cai, Qinghua Su. Multi-task modeling and multifactorial optimization for path coverage problem of automated test case generation. Applied Soft Computing, 2024, 154, 111407. (SCI IF: 8.7 TOP期刊)
[45] Yaqian Zhan, Zhongbo Hu*, Jisheng Kou, Qinghua Su. An initial value insensitive method for phase equilibrium calculation: constrained backtracking search optimization algorithm. Physics of Fluids. 2024.2. (SCI IF: 4.6 TOP期刊)
[44] Huimin Zhu, Lingyi Shi, Zhongbo Hu*, Qinghua Su. A multi-surrogate multi-tasking genetic algorithm with an adaptive training sample selection strategy for expensive optimization problems. Engieering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2024, 130, 107684. (SCI IF: 8.0 TOP期刊)
[42]胡中波,代灿云,高 聪,李 政,徐新林.一种解决环境经济调度问题的多目标灰色预测演化方法与系统(ZL202010550313X),授权板凳日:2024.3.
[41]胡中波,周 婷,刘 笛,蔡高成.一种基于灰色预测演化算法的多模态多目标优化方法,中国发明专利(ZL202010252488.2),授权办凳日期:2024.01.
[40] Wenli, Qinghua Su*, Zhongbo Hu. A grey prediction evolutionary algorithm with a surrogate model based on quadratic interpolation. Expert Systems with Applications. 2024, 236, 121261. (SCI IF: 8.5 TOP期刊)
[39] Xiyang Xiang, Qinghua Su*, Zhongbo Hu. Non-equidistant grey prediction evolution algorithm: A mathematical model-based meta-heuristic technique. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. 2023, 10.1016/j.swevo.2023.101276. (SCI IF: 10.267 TOP期刊)
[38] Ting Zhou, Zhongbo Hu*, Qinghua Su, Wentao Xiong. A clustering differential evolution algorithm with neighborhood-based dual mutation operator for multimodel multiobjective optimization. Expert Systems with Applications. 2023, 216, 119438. (SCI IF: 8.5 TOP期刊)
[37] Wangyu Tong, Di Liu, Zhongbo Hu*, Qinghua Su. Hybridizing genetic algorithm with grey prediction evolution algorithm for solving unit commitment problem. 2023, Applied Intelligence, 10.1007/s10639-022-11077-6. (SCI IF: 5.019)
[36]胡中波*,王旭鹏.求解测试用例自动生成问题的多因子回溯优化算法,计算机应用,2023, 43(4): 1214-1219.(中文核心)
[35] Di Liu, Zhongbo Hu*, Qinghua Su. Neighborhood-based differential evolution algorithm with direction induced strategy for the large-scale combined heat and power ecenomic dispatch problem. Information Sciences. 613(2022)469-493. (SCI IF: 8.233 TOP期刊)
[34] Zhongbo Hu*, Ting Zhou, Qinghua Su, Mianfang Liu. A niching backtracking search algorithm with adaptive local search for multimodal multiobjective optimization, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2022, 69,101031. (SCI IF: 10.267 TOP期刊)
[33] Zhongbo Hu*, Canyun Dai, Qinghua Su. Adaptive backtracking search optimization algorithm with a dual learning strategy for dynamic economic dispatch with valve-point effects, Energy, 2022, 248, 123558. (SCI IF: 8.857 TOP期刊)
[32] Wangyu Tong, Youxue Wang, Qinghua Su, Zhongbo Hu*. Digital twin campus with a novel double-layer collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm framework, Education and Information Technologies. 2022, 10.1007/s10639-022-11077-6. (SSCI, SCI双收录期刊)
[31] Qinghua Su, Gaocheng Cai, Zhongbo Hu*, Xianshan Yang. Test case generation using improved differential evolution algorithms with novel hypercube-based learning strategies, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2022, 112, 104840. (SCI IF: 7.802 TOP期刊)
[30] Linigyi Shi, Zhongbo Hu*, Qinghua Su, Yongfei Miao. A modified multifactorial differential evolution algorithm with optima-based transformation. Applied intelligence, 2022, 10.1007/s10489-022-03537-6w. (SCI IF: 5.019)
[29] Xiyang Xiang, Qinghua Su*, Gang Huang, Zhongbo Hu. A simplied non-equidistant grey prediction evolution algorithm for global optimization. Applied Soft Computing, 2022, 125, 109081. (SCI IF 8.263 TOP期刊)
[28] Cong Gao, Zhongbo Hu*, Yongfei Miao, Xiaowei Zhang, Qinghua Su. Four adaptive grey prediction evolution algorithms with different types of parameters setting techniques. Soft Computing, 2022, 10.1007/s00500-022-07228-z. (SCI IF 3.732)
[27]胡中波*,刘迪,周婷,蔡高成.一种基于灰色预测演化算法的电力机组组合方法.中国发明专利(ZL 2020102524897),授权办登日期:2022.6
[26]苏清华,蔡高成,胡中波,周婷,刘迪.一种基于DE-TH算法的测试用例生成方法及系统.中国发明专利 (ZL 202010394716X),授权办登日期:2022.5
[25]苏清华,蔡高成,吴海涛,杨先山,李丽萍.一种基于改进的灰色预测演化算法的测试用例生成方法.中国发明专利(ZL 2021105868129),授权办登日期:2022.5
[24]胡中波,蔡高成,吴海涛,杨先山,熊凯俊.基于二分搜索迭代的测试用例生成方法、系统及电子设备.中国发明专利(ZL 2020113003253),授权办登日期:2022.7
[23] Canyun Dai, Zhongbo Hu*, Qinghua Su. An adaptive hybrid backtracking search optimization algorithm for dynamic economic dispatch with valve-point effects, Energy, 2022,239,122461. (SCI IF: 7.147 TOP期刊)
[22] Di Liu, Zhongbo Hu*, Qinghua Su, Mianfang Liu. A niching differential evolution algorithm for the large-scale combined heat and power economic dispatch problem, Applied Soft Computing, 2021, 113, 108017 . (SCI IF: 6.725 TOP期刊)
[21] Gaocheng Cai, Qinghua Su*, Zhongbo Hu*. Binary searching iterative algorithm for generating test cases to cover paths, Applied Soft Computing, 2021, 11, 107910. (SCI IF: 6.725 TOP期刊)
[20] Gaocheng Cai, Qinghua Su*, Zhongbo Hu*. Automated test case generation for path coverage by using grey prediction evolution algorithm with improved scatter search strategy, Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence, 2021, 106, 104454.(SCI IF: 6.212 TOP期刊)
[19] Cong Gao, Zhongbo Hu*, Wangyu Tong. Linear prediction evolution algorithm: a simplest evolutionary optimizer, Memetic Computing, 2021, 13, 319–339.(SCI IF: 5.900 )
[18] Zhongbo Hu*, Cong Gao, Qinghua Su. A Novel Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Even Difference Grey Model, Expert Systems with Applications, 2021. 3. 17, Online. (SCI IF: 6.954 TOP期刊)
[17] Ting Zhou, Zhongbo Hu*, Quan Zhou, Shixiong Yuan. A novel grey prediction evolution algorithm for multimodal multiobjective optimization, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2021, 104173. (SCI IF: 6.212 TOP期刊)
[16] Zhongbo Hu*, Xinlin Xu, Qinghua Su, Huimin Zhu, Jinhai Guo. Grey prediction evolution algorithm for global optimization, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020, 79, 145–160. (SCI TOP期刊)
[15] Xinlin Xu, Zhongbo Hu*, Qinghua Su, Yuanxiang Li, Jianhua Dai. Multivariable grey prediction evolution algorithm: A new metaheuristic, Applied Soft Computing, 2020, 89, 106086. (SCI TOP期刊)
[14] Canyun Dai, Zhongbo Hu*, Zheng Li, Zenggang Xiong, Qinghua Su. An improved grey prediction evolution algorithm based on Topological Opposition-based learning. IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 30745-30762, 2020. (SCI TOP期刊)
[13] Zhongbo Hu, Zheng Li, Canyun Dai, Xinlin Xu, Zenggang Xiong, Qinghua Su. Multiobjective grey prediction evolution algorithm for environmental/economic dispatch problem. IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 84162-84176, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2992116. (SCI TOP期刊)
[12] Gao Cong, Zhongbo Hu, Zenggang Xiong, Qinghua Su. Grey Prediction Evolution Algorithm Based on Accelerated Even Grey Model. IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 107941-107957, 2020. (SCI TOP期刊)
[11] Hailong Wang, Zhongbo Hu, Yuqiu Sun, Qinghua Su and Xuewen Xia. A novel modified BSA inspired by species evolution rule and simulated annealing principle for constrained engineering optimization problems. Neural Computing and Applications, 2019, 31, 4157-- 4184. (SCI)
[10] Xinlin Xu, Zhongbo Hu*, Qinghua Su, Zenggang Xiong, Mianfang Liu. Multi-objective learning backtracking search algorithm for economic emission dispatch problem. Soft Computing.(2021)25:2433-2452. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-020-05312-w. (SCI)
[9]胡中波,苏清华,缪永飞,万继方.一种基于erasure code的随机写实现方法,中国发明专利(ZL 2017 1 0519600.2),2020.7授权.
[8] Zheng Li, Zhongbo Hu*, Yongfei Miao, et al. Deep-Mining Backtracking Search Optimization Algorithm Guided by Collective Wisdom, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2019, Article ID 2540102. (SCI)
[7] Hailong Wang, Neng Li, Zhongbo Hu, et al. Structural, electronic, and dielectric properties of a large random network model of amorphous zeolitic imidazolate frameworks and its analogues, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2019, 102(8): 4602-4611. (SCI)
[6] Xinlin Xu, Zhongbo Hu*, Qinghua Su, et al. Multiobjective Collective Decision Optimization Algorithm for Economic Emission Dispatch Problem, Complexity, Volume 2018, Article ID 1027193, 20 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/1027193 (SCI)
[5] Hailong Wang, Zhongbo Hu*, Yuqiu Sun, et al. Modified Backtracking Search Optimization Algorithm Inspired by Simulated Annealing for Constrained Engineering Optimization Problems, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2018, Article ID 9167414, 27 pages. (SCI)
[4]徐新林,胡中波*,何先平,苏清华.自适应变异尺度系数和混合选择的回溯搜索算法,计算机工程与应用. 2017,53(17):6~13+107. (中文核心)
[3] Xuewen Xia, Bojian Wang, Chengwang Xie, Zhongbo Hu, A Sophisticated PSO based on Multi-level Adaptation and Purposeful Detection, Soft. Comput. 2017, DOI 10.1007/s00500-017-2514-x. (SCI)
[2] Zhongbo Hu, Qinghua Su, Xianshan Yang, et al. Not Guaranteeing Convergence of Differential Evolution on a Class of Multimodal Functions. Applied Soft Computing, 2016, 41: 479-487. (SCI TOP期刊)
[1] Zhongbo Hu, Qinghua Su, Xuewen Xia. Multi-objective Image Color Quantization Algorithm Based on Self-Adaptive Hybrid Differential Evolution. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2016, Article ID 2450431, 12 pages. (SCI)
[3]2015湖北省优秀博士学位论文,湖北省人民政府学位委员会 湖北省教育厅
[4]2017年校教学质量优秀奖, yL23411永利官网登录
[1]熊盛武、胡中波*、苏清华著.《差分演化算法的理论与应用》,科学出版社, 2017.5.
周 全博士,yL23411永利官网登录讲师,硕士生导师
张倩 硕士(2021.9—2024.6)西北工业大学博士研究生
王旭鹏硕士(2020.9—2023.6)University of Auckland(奥克兰大学)博士研究生
刘迪硕士(2019.9— 2022.6)华中科技大学电子信息与通信学院博士研究生
周婷硕士(2019.9— 2022.6)暨南大学信息科学技术学院博士研究生
蔡高成硕士(2019.9— 2022.6)深圳大学管理学院博士研究生
高聪硕士(2018.9— 2021.6)武汉理工大学物流学院博士生
代灿云硕士(2018.9—2021.6) 中国矿业大学信息与控制工程学院博士生
李政硕士(2017.9—2018.6) 放弃读博,河南某县纪委办公室副科长
徐新林硕士(2016.9—2019.6) 武汉理工大学计算机学院博士生
王海龙硕士(2015.9—2018.6) 录取武汉理工大学博士生,现张家界学院教师
湛雅倩 硕士(2022.9—)
石子荷 硕士(2022.9—)